Online Resources

Computer Skills

Wisconsin Documents

Consumer Protection

Statewide Resources

How-to Help Resources

Computer Skills


Basic Computer Skills MOOC

This covers practicing using a mouse all the way to protecting your information online and using social media and email.

GCF Global

Intimidated by computers? New to email or the web? Want to stay safe online or understand how your operating system works? Learn all of this and more in our Technology section.

Digital Learn dot org

Digital Learn

If you are new to computers, haven’t used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, this site has the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace.

Wisconsin State Documents

Wisconsin Digital Archives

Look at statistics about Wisconsin schools, transportation, or wildlife, monthly unemployment statistics, state agency budgets,  studies about broadband, high-speed rail, homeland security, and climate change. Statistics, reports, studies.

Managed by the WI Department of Instruction.

(WI) State Government Web Archives

See how state agencies have used their websites to communicate with Wisconsin residents over time. Find electronic government information in formats other than PDF. Archives of state government websites using the Archive-It software produced by the Internet Archive.

Managed by the Wisconsin Historical Society.

Legislative Reference Bureau Digital Collections

Information on a law passed in Wisconsin and its impact on Wisconsin residents. Publications from each legislative service agency and Mandated Reports to the Legislature collection containing reports required by statute or act.

Managed by the LRB.

Consumer Protection & Law

Consumer Reports

Testing results for a wide variety of products and comprehensive reviews.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Report Fraud

This FTC website makes it easy for people to report fraud, scams, and bad business practices.

Brought to you by the Federal Trade Commission.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Innovative tools and resources to help consumers make informed financial decisions and build financial skills.

Wisconsin State Law Library

Wisconsin State Law Library

Find information on legal topics. Use the A-Z tool or browse popular topics.

Statewide Online Resources